Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. So, this driver installer will install within a second on your device.Ībout Our Official Website, mtk-file. The Android Mediatek driver auto installer is a small package which is only 10MB, and you can download it one click. However, other than these Windows versions, the Mediatek driver installer will not work.
And as I have mentioned earlier, the driver folder has as an auto installer.Īlso, you know the features of the driver installer. Then click the completed driver link, and the drivers will install on our computer.
So, just click on the download links and your driver will be downloading to your PC. If you want to download all Android Mediatek driver USB auto-installer, you are in the right website.Īnd here, I am going to share the download links of MTK driver auto installer. So, all driver credits go to the Mediatek Inc.